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Peruvian Shamanism
Feminine Healing Rites, Energy Work,
Chumpi Chakra Work, Illumination, 
Cord Cutting, Past Life Journey,
Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air
Allies: Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird, Condor/Eagle
Essences: Yachay (wisom) Munay (Love), Llankay (Actions/Service)
Apus (Sacred Mountains), Nustas (Goddesses)

The way of the Shaman is to provide healing, balance, and energetic living to all beings, while loving and caring for Pachamama, Mother Earth. 
Deepen your skills and practices with these workshops, classes, or individual sessions.

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Peruvian Andean Shamanic Practices
Dates TBD
6 Session $425 or $75 per session
Lightways BARN, 228 Gilmore Rd,
Brockport, NY 14420

Contact Judy, 585-281-8670

Guided meditations, tools, practices, ceremony & ritual for the Divine Feminine,
Pachamama (Mother Earth), and your own spiritual journey of YOUR Destiny!

You will learn opening sacred space, prayer to the directions, the archetypes of Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird, Eagle, Huskar, Quetzalcotal, and Pachakui, Quecha vocabulary, Shamanic Illumination, Fire Ceremony, Destiny vs Fate, using Chumpi stones, making a despacho, the 3 worlds of Ukupachay, Kaipachay, and Hanaqkachay, and the  Essences of Yachay, Munay, and Llankay (wisdom, love and right action). We will look at the practices of shamanic card reading, coca (bay Leaf) readings, and stone readings. 

Practices are from my study with The Four Winds and Alberto Villoldo & Marcela Lobos, The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition with Don Oscar Miro Queseda, Puma Fredy, The Jaguar Path with Ray & Nina Crist, and Shamanic Worldwide Reiki,  and my personal teachers, Wilbert Salas Atasi, Ray & Nina Crist, Puma Fredy, Nelida Huaman, Bonnie Sandera and Barbara Hallnan.

Syllabus Link


Chumpi Healing Technique, Andean Shaman Stones                                 Judith Andrew, Shamanic Practitioner                                                            Sat, Sep 14, 2024,   9-4             (1-4 pm, Graduate Review)                        $125 class $29 Book Graduates, PM session only, $75                                 Lightways Barn, 228 Gilmore Rd

Call/text Judy to Register, 585-281-8670

Link to Payment on Square

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I am so excited to share the Healing Process with the Chumpi stones. Chumpi’s are traditional carved stones used by the Inca Shaman in the Sacred Valley, Peru. You will develop a relationship and healing practice, for yourself and clients. This is the instruction and initiation. The technique nicely integrates with Reiki and other Energy Healing practices.  I recently received from the Apasa Family, Paquos (Shaman) from Cusco in the Andes. This lineage goes back 200 years, the tradition handed down from their ancestors.


The chumpis are carved on a soft stone, alabaster, to represent the worlds, the essences, and the serpent, puma, hummingbird, condor, Grandmother Moon, Star Nations, and Father Sun.

Each set of chumpish are carved with symbols intuited by the Shaman who carved them, so the symbols on each set may be different. We will discuss and discover the symbols. If your set does not have carved symbols, carved in crystals or Jiwayra stone, we will use the traditional symbols (all the be explained).

I will also have sets for you to purchase or borrow for the class, both crystal and Alabaster.


Judy has been working with the Chumpi since she firsts received them while in Peru in 2016. They are an integral part of her energy work and shamanic work practices with herself and clients. Her shamanic certifications include, Advanced Shamanic Practices, Shamanic Reiki, Jaguar Path, The Pachakuti Mesa, and The Rainbow Lineage with Puma.


Class Requirement: The Chumpi Stone Guidebook, Drake Bear Stephen, $29, 

Set of Chumpi Stones ( I have many for purchase or borrow, many sets available to view at the Store, 7 Main St, Bkpt. 


Textile cloths, rattles, bells ,pashminas, statues and more will be available for purchase.

All items are directly from my personal friends, Nelida Huaman and Wilbert Salas Asasi in Peru.

The purchases directly support the families and communities.



Introduction to the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition,
Date TBD,      $75
Judiith Andrew
Lightways Barn, 228 Gilmore Rd. Brockport,
call if interested, 585-281-8670

The focus of this class is to learn and practice the fundamentals of the Pachakuti Mesa, and the teachings of Don Oscar Miro- Queseda. Participants will set up a basic mesa and begin working with it. Emphasis is on the five directions and how these each represent an aspect of the self. This ‘expanded basics’ workshop also covers an introduction to the three worlds, a brief introduction to the lineage, and setting up, activating and using their mesa. 

Mesa is an Altar, an extension of self, for healing, balance, and harmony for you and Mother Earth.

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Shamanic Card Reading & 
Chakra Balancing

Special, $65 for 75 min

Judith Andrew, Shamanic Practitioner

Reservations, 585-281-8670  or lightways special event page

The chakras are energy centers in the body that influence our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. When they are too slow or too fast, our energy, life flow and happiness are out of balance as well. Often, we are not sure why or how to bring back harmony and peaceful feelings and thoughts.                                                                                                                I am offering a collective combination of a reading with Shamanic Oracle Cards, and chakra stones or chumpi stones to assist you in exploring your personal and spiritual struggles and blockages. Through messages from the cards, we discover practices to integrate balance and harmony. The session ends with Shamanic Illumination, Reiki, and the stones to integrate this new knowledge. We begin with prayers to create sacred space, set intentions and bring the vibrational frequency of your stones and intentions into your cellular memory, DNA, chakras, and energy field. This allows you to live your DESTINY, not your FATE (whatever life brings). Destiny is your true soul’s journey, creating and manifesting the life you want to live.  You can change your life!

Integrated Energy Therapy Master Teacher, Usui Reiki I, II & Master Teacher, Holy Fire Reiki I, II, III & Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Radical Forgiveness Coach, Certified Chakra & Energy Balancing, Level I Shamanic Practitioner, Advanced Practices Shamanism, and Pachakuti Mesa Training.

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Andean Shamanic Tools, Practices,

& Nusta Karpay Rites (Feminine Healing Rites)

Sat & Sun, Sept 26 & 27, 10 am -2 pm each day, 

Lightways Barn, 228 Gilmore Rd, Brockport

$150, call Judy to register, 585-281-8670, or click here

Peruvian Shamanism, Nusta Karpay (Feminine) Rites

Judith Andrew, Shamanic Practitioner

9 hours, full day or 2 half days,

or 4 2-hr sessions

 $150    Reservations Required. 585-281-8670

Dress comfortable, bring your mesa, rattle and other shamanic tools, and 7 stones. 

 In this workshop you will learn about and experience the tools and traditions of the Andean Shaman.  You will be introduced to chumpi’s (shaman meditation stones), mesa’s (medicine bundle), the Upper, Middle and Lower Words, centers for Wisdom, Compassion, and Service, Condor/Eagle, Jaguar, and Serpent, textiles, bells & rattles, how to make a despacho (gift of gratitude to Pachamama, Earth Mother, and prayers to the directions.  

The summers of 2016 and 2019 I spent 10 days in the Sacred Valley, Peru.  Every day we went to the sacred Inca sites and received the Nusta Karpay (feminine) rites. They were given and taught by Shaman Don Mariano and his son, Don Santiago, who live in the Peruvian high mountains. The rites honor the sacred mountain spirit, the Apu's and the energy of the Earth Mother, Pachamama. The Shaman said it was time to practice and share these rites with others. The 7 rites bring the elements and chakras into healing and harmony.

The Rites are open to all, men and women, who desire to connect and heal their Divine Feminine energy and to bring that healing to the others.

According to Andean spiritual tradition, the Nustas are the Goddesses and Sacred Feminine Energies of the Peruvian and Bolivian mountains, rivers and lakes. In Quecha the word “karpay” means rite or ceremony.

Each Rite will include a meditation, explanation, personal benefits, and handout along with the Rite.

 Rites 1 Mama Ocllo, 2 Dona Mujia, 3 Mama Simona 

 Rites 4 Dona Theresa, 5 Maria Sakapona & Despacho       

Rites 6 Huana Wamam Tiklla, 7 Thomasa Waman Tiklla, & Ending Ceremony

Judith is the co-owner of Lightways Metaphysical Store in Brockport NY. She is a Shamanic Practitioner, Usui & Karuna Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher, IET (Healing Angels) Master Teacher, Certified Radical Forgiveness Coach & Energy-Body & Chakra Clearing Certified.


Chumpi Illumination Session

This energy balancing session begins with a short discussion about what is going on in your spiritual or personal life, and then we identify an issue, emotion, person or situation you would like to heal or release. We then layout the chumpi stones to gain insight and clarity through affirmations, statements and healing energy of the specific chumpis, sound and meditation.


Chumpi Stone Illumination & Chakra Balance

This healing session uses 12 Peruvian Chumpi stones, which are hand carved alabaster stones used for healing by the Shaman in the high mountains of Peru. They contain the “apus” or spirit of the mountains, bringing heaven and earth together for our energetic, physical, emotional and spiritual  healing. Each stone carries an energy to healing and release a negative counterpart, such as balance/letting go of control, self-sacrifice. We muscle test to select which chumpi to use and which one is your “medicine”. We use intention, affirmation, crystals, stones and objects and a specific sound (rattle, crystal bowl, bell, music). We end by closing sacred space, a prayer and Shamanic card reading.

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 Chumpi's and Energy Work

Relax while your luminous light body, chakras and physical body energy fields are healed, balanced and restored. With the energy of the Apu's (7 Sacred Mountains in Peru) and the healing energy of IET or Reiki experience these amazing combinations of hands-on energy healing.


Shamanic Illumination Healing

Following the Shamanic Inka traditions of healing and releasing, we use breath work, stones, palo santo, prayers, meditation & intention to release negative dense energy and bring light, peace and balance into your chakras, psychical body, auric energy body. We work with your Luminous Light Body. 

Judith Andrew is a Certified Level 1 Shamanic Practitioner (over 100 hrs training)


Light Body Illumination

The Shamanic Light Body illumination begins with opening your spiritual energy field (wiracocha) and a prayer to the 7 directions. After identifying what you want to release into a stone, we use pendulum and rattle, to determine which chakra is blocked, and then begin breath work and deep meditation to release, then bring in the healing light of jaguar. This can be combined with the Chumpi stones or chakra crystals.


Nusta Rite for Energy Balance, Release & Restoration using Chumpi Stones from the Sacred Valley, Peru

The session begins with prayer and meditation, followed by installing bands of power into the 7 chakras and luminous energy field with the breath and chumpi's. Then the chumpi's are placed onto the 7 chakras, for deep releasing of negative energy, fears and experiences, followed by bringing in light and healing for light body & energy balance and harmony. The result is an intense sense of peace and well-being, with insight and inner wisdom.


Additional Shamanic Sessions

Crystal Extraction - illumination, Crystal and light energy to remove entities, 
Soul Retrieval - Illumination and guided journey to the Lower World to discover wounds and limiting contracts, and bring back gifts, power animal, and new contract. 
Combo Special: 3 Sessions, Ilumination Session, Crystal Extraction Session, Soul Retrieval Session, reg $195,  $180

Peruvian Shamanism
Feminine Healing Rites, Energy Work,
Chumpi Chakra Work, Illumination, 
Cord Cutting, Past Life Journey,
Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air
Allies: Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird, Condor/Eagle
Essences: Yachay (wisom) Munay (Love), Llankay (Actions/Service)
Apus (Sacred Mountains), Nustas (Goddesses)

The way of the Shaman is to provide healing, balance, and energetic living to all beings, while loving and caring for Pachamama, Mother Earth. 
Deepen your skills and practices with these workshops, classes, or individual sessions.

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Shamanic Fire Ceremony & Despacho

Honoring Mother Earth, Pachamama

Thurs, Aug 15, 2024, 6:30-9 pm  $15 Donation

Lightways Barn, 228 Gilmore Rd, Brockport, 14420

​​Fire allows for rapid transformation. It provides the avenue to let go of the old story and drama, to transform, to renew and to be reborn. Through fire ceremony, you honor your lessons and old belief structures by placing them in the fire and turning them over to Spirit. By releasing these old patterns and beliefs into the fire, you heal deeply at the level of the soul without having to experience them at the literal and physical levels.

AFire ceremony is one of the core ceremonies in many medicine traditions.

Shaman say that the earth and our civilization are in such great peril that Fire Ceremony should be held by anyone who is willing to step in. The fire itself will become your teacher and will let you know immediately if your intention is pure.

 is a gift for the organizing principles of the Universe and constitutes the central axis of energetic exchange for healing, reestablishing perfect ayni (right relationship), or protection.


The despacho is the living embodiment of the shaman’s landscape of life, that which meets at the level of the soul and ultimately connects to the source of all creation. The despacho ceremony, in its physical beauty, is a journey to the soul of nature, and with the assistance of the spirit world, we explore the energetic inner workings and symbolism of each element of our offerings.

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Peruvian Andean Shamanic Practices
Dates TBD
6 Session $425 or $75 per session
Lightways BARN, 228 Gilmore Rd,
Brockport, NY 14420

Contact Judy, 585-281-8670

Guided meditations, tools, practices, ceremony & ritual for the Divine Feminine,
Pachamama (Mother Earth), and your own spiritual journey of YOUR Destiny!

You will learn opening sacred space, prayer to the directions, the archetypes of Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird, Eagle, Huskar, Quetzalcotal, and Pachakui, Quecha vocabulary, Shamanic Illumination, Fire Ceremony, Destiny vs Fate, using Chumpi stones, making a despacho, the 3 worlds of Ukupachay, Kaipachay, and Hanaqkachay, and the  Essences of Yachay, Munay, and Llankay (wisdom, love and right action). We will look at the practices of shamanic card reading, coca (bay Leaf) readings, and stone readings. 

Practices are from my study with The Four Winds and Alberto Villoldo & Marcela Lobos, The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition with Don Oscar Miro Queseda, Puma Fredy, The Jaguar Path with Ray & Nina Crist, and Shamanic Worldwide Reiki,  and my personal teachers, Wilbert Salas Atasi, Ray & Nina Crist, Puma Fredy, Nelida Huaman, Bonnie Sandera and Barbara Hallnan.

Syllabus Link

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Chumpi Healing Technique Andean Shaman Stones
Judith Andrew
Sat, Sep 14, 2024,    9-4 
$125 class     $29 Book
Lightways Barn, 228 Gilmore Rd

I am so excited to share the Healing Process with the Chumpi stones. Chumpi’s are traditional carved stones used by the Inca Shaman in the Sacred Valley, Peru. You will develop a relationship and healing practice, for yourself and clients. This is the instruction and initiation I recently received from the Apasa Family, Paquos (Shaman) from Cusco in the Andes. This lineage goes back 200 years, the tradition handed down from their ancestors.


The chumpis are carved on a soft stone, alabaster, to represent the worlds, the essences, and the serpent, puma, hummingbird, condor, Grandmother Moon, Star Nations, and Father Sun.

Each set of chumpish are carved with symbols intuited by the Shaman who carved them, so the symbols on each set may be different. We will discuss and discover the symbols. If your set does not have carved symbols, carved in crystals or Jiwayra stone, we will use the traditional symbols (all the be explained).

I will also have sets for you to purchase or borrow for the class, both crystal and Alabaster.


Judy has been working with the Chumpi since she firsts received them while in Peru in 2016. They are an integral part of her energy work and shamanic work practices with herself and clients. Her shamanic certifications include, Advanced Shamanic Practices, Shamanic Reiki, Jaguar Path, The Pachakuti Mesa, and The Rainbow Lineage with Puma.


Class Requirement: The Chumpi Stone Guidebook, Drake Bear Stephen, $29


Textile cloths, rattles, bells ,pashminas, statues and more will be available for purchase.

All items are directly from my personal friends, Nelida Huaman and Wilbert Salas Asasi in Peru.

The purchases directly support the families and communities.



Introduction to the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition,
Date TBD,      $75
Judiith Andrew
Lightways Barn, 228 Gilmore Rd. Brockport,
call if interested, 585-281-8670

The focus of this class is to learn and practice the fundamentals of the Pachakuti Mesa, and the teachings of Don Oscar Miro- Queseda. Participants will set up a basic mesa and begin working with it. Emphasis is on the five directions and how these each represent an aspect of the self. This ‘expanded basics’ workshop also covers an introduction to the three worlds, a brief introduction to the lineage, and setting up, activating and using their mesa. 

Mesa is an Altar, an extension of self, for healing, balance, and harmony for you and Mother Earth.

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Shamanic Card Reading & 
Chakra Balancing

Special, $65 for 75 min

Judith Andrew, Shamanic Practitioner

Reservations, 585-281-8670  or lightways special event page

The chakras are energy centers in the body that influence our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. When they are too slow or too fast, our energy, life flow and happiness are out of balance as well. Often, we are not sure why or how to bring back harmony and peaceful feelings and thoughts.                                                                                                                I am offering a collective combination of a reading with Shamanic Oracle Cards, and chakra stones or chumpi stones to assist you in exploring your personal and spiritual struggles and blockages. Through messages from the cards, we discover practices to integrate balance and harmony. The session ends with Shamanic Illumination, Reiki, and the stones to integrate this new knowledge. We begin with prayers to create sacred space, set intentions and bring the vibrational frequency of your stones and intentions into your cellular memory, DNA, chakras, and energy field. This allows you to live your DESTINY, not your FATE (whatever life brings). Destiny is your true soul’s journey, creating and manifesting the life you want to live.  You can change your life!

Integrated Energy Therapy Master Teacher, Usui Reiki I, II & Master Teacher, Holy Fire Reiki I, II, III & Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Radical Forgiveness Coach, Certified Chakra & Energy Balancing, Level I Shamanic Practitioner, Advanced Practices Shamanism, and Pachakuti Mesa Training.

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Andean Shamanic Tools, Practices,

& Nusta Karpay Rites (Feminine Healing Rites)

Sat & Sun, Sept 26 & 27, 10 am -2 pm each day, 

Lightways Barn, 228 Gilmore Rd, Brockport

$150, call Judy to register, 585-281-8670, or click here

Peruvian Shamanism, Nusta Karpay (Feminine) Rites

Judith Andrew, Shamanic Practitioner

9 hours, full day or 2 half days,

or 4 2-hr sessions

 $150    Reservations Required. 585-281-8670

Dress comfortable, bring your mesa, rattle and other shamanic tools, and 7 stones. 

 In this workshop you will learn about and experience the tools and traditions of the Andean Shaman.  You will be introduced to chumpi’s (shaman meditation stones), mesa’s (medicine bundle), the Upper, Middle and Lower Words, centers for Wisdom, Compassion, and Service, Condor/Eagle, Jaguar, and Serpent, textiles, bells & rattles, how to make a despacho (gift of gratitude to Pachamama, Earth Mother, and prayers to the directions.  

The summers of 2016 and 2019 I spent 10 days in the Sacred Valley, Peru.  Every day we went to the sacred Inca sites and received the Nusta Karpay (feminine) rites. They were given and taught by Shaman Don Mariano and his son, Don Santiago, who live in the Peruvian high mountains. The rites honor the sacred mountain spirit, the Apu's and the energy of the Earth Mother, Pachamama. The Shaman said it was time to practice and share these rites with others. The 7 rites bring the elements and chakras into healing and harmony.

The Rites are open to all, men and women, who desire to connect and heal their Divine Feminine energy and to bring that healing to the others.

According to Andean spiritual tradition, the Nustas are the Goddesses and Sacred Feminine Energies of the Peruvian and Bolivian mountains, rivers and lakes. In Quecha the word “karpay” means rite or ceremony.

Each Rite will include a meditation, explanation, personal benefits, and handout along with the Rite.

 Rites 1 Mama Ocllo, 2 Dona Mujia, 3 Mama Simona 

 Rites 4 Dona Theresa, 5 Maria Sakapona & Despacho       

Rites 6 Huana Wamam Tiklla, 7 Thomasa Waman Tiklla, & Ending Ceremony

Judith is the co-owner of Lightways Metaphysical Store in Brockport NY. She is a Shamanic Practitioner, Usui & Karuna Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher, IET (Healing Angels) Master Teacher, Certified Radical Forgiveness Coach & Energy-Body & Chakra Clearing Certified.


Chumpi Illumination Session

This energy balancing session begins with a short discussion about what is going on in your spiritual or personal life, and then we identify an issue, emotion, person or situation you would like to heal or release. We then layout the chumpi stones to gain insight and clarity through affirmations, statements and healing energy of the specific chumpis, sound and meditation.


Chumpi Stone Illumination & Chakra Balance

This healing session uses 12 Peruvian Chumpi stones, which are hand carved alabaster stones used for healing by the Shaman in the high mountains of Peru. They contain the “apus” or spirit of the mountains, bringing heaven and earth together for our energetic, physical, emotional and spiritual  healing. Each stone carries an energy to healing and release a negative counterpart, such as balance/letting go of control, self-sacrifice. We muscle test to select which chumpi to use and which one is your “medicine”. We use intention, affirmation, crystals, stones and objects and a specific sound (rattle, crystal bowl, bell, music). We end by closing sacred space, a prayer and Shamanic card reading.

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 Chumpi's and Energy Work

Relax while your luminous light body, chakras and physical body energy fields are healed, balanced and restored. With the energy of the Apu's (7 Sacred Mountains in Peru) and the healing energy of IET or Reiki experience these amazing combinations of hands-on energy healing.


Shamanic Illumination Healing

Following the Shamanic Inka traditions of healing and releasing, we use breath work, stones, palo santo, prayers, meditation & intention to release negative dense energy and bring light, peace and balance into your chakras, psychical body, auric energy body. We work with your Luminous Light Body. 

Judith Andrew is a Certified Level 1 Shamanic Practitioner (over 100 hrs training)


Light Body Illumination

The Shamanic Light Body illumination begins with opening your spiritual energy field (wiracocha) and a prayer to the 7 directions. After identifying what you want to release into a stone, we use pendulum and rattle, to determine which chakra is blocked, and then begin breath work and deep meditation to release, then bring in the healing light of jaguar. This can be combined with the Chumpi stones or chakra crystals.


Nusta Rite for Energy Balance, Release & Restoration using Chumpi Stones from the Sacred Valley, Peru

The session begins with prayer and meditation, followed by installing bands of power into the 7 chakras and luminous energy field with the breath and chumpi's. Then the chumpi's are placed onto the 7 chakras, for deep releasing of negative energy, fears and experiences, followed by bringing in light and healing for light body & energy balance and harmony. The result is an intense sense of peace and well-being, with insight and inner wisdom.


Additional Shamanic Sessions

Crystal Extraction - illumination, Crystal and light energy to remove entities, 
Soul Retrieval - Illumination and guided journey to the Lower World to discover wounds and limiting contracts, and bring back gifts, power animal, and new contract. 
Combo Special: 3 Sessions, Ilumination Session, Crystal Extraction Session, Soul Retrieval Session, reg $195,  $180

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